Sunday, July 17, 2011

Awakening. Let's Do This Thing!

July 17

Eaten - 
(drank) milkshake - milk, banana, raw egg, protein ...spilled half :p
chicken wrap
ice cream, cheesecake

walked for about 40 minutes...


you don't understand, but you think you can fix me. I can't be fixed - I'm not a toy or something that works with gears. I need to be skinny, I want to be skinny.
I don't care about the health precautions
I don't care what it'll do to me.

I am tired of being fat.
I want you to love me.
I want to prove to everyone when I'm skinnier.

I can almost hear them talking behind my back "Did she loose weight? She looks amazing.."

Liquid/water fasting for as long as possible - I've had my fill of real thinspiration for today, and it reminded me what I'm doing this for.

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