Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 20

DAY 20)     im calling this bulimic day.
2 bananas to not pass at work (@9:00)
chips, pop, pizza and cake at a party (purrrrged)
some chips on the way home, (~80)
some pop on the way home, (~80)
PB on whole-wheat bread (~90)
piece of cheese (~50)
1piece of chocolate (like...10)
10 cherries (60)
1 cup of orange juice (100)

total cal: 260 .................................................FML THIS IS NOT OKAY.
goal for ABC: fast day

walked all around works for three hours,
swam for three hours

thinspiration of the day:

Oh, why can't you just love me. You deserve so much better then fat worthless Lydia.

omfg look ...

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:Very High
Bipolar Disorder:Extremely High
Cyclothymia:Extremely High
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Extremely High
Postpartum Depression:N/A
thats from < i found it on PT and thought what the fuck i'll try it. 
Now look !? Umm.....damn.

Serious ADHD Likely!

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