Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 1/7 (PUSH)

July 13, 2011. "Push"


2.5k run (close to 400 calories)

total calories for the day: -400

Day 1 - water fast
Day 2 - water fast
Day 3 - water fast
Day 4 - liquid fast
Day 5 - liquid fast
Day 6 - liquid fast
Day 7 - liquid fast
Day 8 - fruit fast


This week is going to be SO hard, not even going to sugar-coat it. (wow another food reference) but if i can pull this off, I'm going to feel SO much stronger.
I just really hope no one notices...

Declaration against food:
Food is the enemy - it only makes you fat
There's too much food underneath my skin anyways - why would I need more?
Food is evil - you don't really need it

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